
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Secret Formula To Help You Lose Weight And Keep It Off –This Really Works!

Have you been looking for a way to lose weight and keep it off permanently? Are you willing to do a little work in order to drop some serious pounds? Then, honey, you are reading the right article! I’m going to tell you about the easiest, no fail way to lose weight and keep it off.

The obvious formula for losing weight seems simple enough, since all you need to do is reduce the amount of food you consume while becoming more active each day in order to burn off more than you are bringing in—calories that is—reduce calories and increase your aerobic activity and you should lose weight.

However, just following that formula may not give you the results that you are after. Trying to lose weight using this fashion will work for a short time but then after a while you begin to level off or reach a plateau. Even increasing your aerobic exercise has little effect. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

You can see dramatic results if you will simply add resistance training exercises to your fitness program. You will begin to notice a major difference in your overall weight loss and size. Even before the scales reveal it, your mirror will witness the transformation. If you don’t own a full-length mirror, you’ll need to invest in one and be sure to hang it on your wall or get the pretty free-standing one. Just make sure that you can see your entire body in its reflection.

Not only will resistance exercises show a remarkable change in the way that you look, these exercises are important to a healthy fitness program because they help to build strength and flexibility. Both are vital when you are staying physically active. That’s why it’s best to alternate days of resistance training and aerobic exercise. All you need is 30 minutes a day, but if you can exercise longer then go for it.

Now, if you haven’t exercised in a while, you will want to consult your doctor to make sure you are healthy enough. Once you are clear to begin, start by stretching and warming your muscles. This is most important and will help you to perform much better than if you skip this crucial step. Try not to think of it as wasted time but as a way to increase your performance.

I like to incorporate Pilates’ exercises into my resistance training workouts. Following the Pilates’ principle of engaging the core muscles aids in posture, alleviates back pain, helps to achieve a smaller waistline, while maintaining a long lean look to the torso. It’s a secret that dancers have used for years.

Alternating your workouts with aerobic exercises strengthens your heart, burns fat and builds endurance. It’s the perfect combination to your fitness program.

Of course, what you eat will determine how much weight you lose. You’ll want to cut back on fat, in particular saturated fat, also cutting back on sugar and salt will help you lose weight and protect your heart. Make wise substitutions and develop a diet plan or diet solution program that you can stick to. Don’t expect exercise alone to take care of your weight loss goals. You have to eat less and burn more in order to actually lose weight.

Remember, as you lose weight, that in order to continue losing weight you must cut back on the amount of food that you eat and you must increase your level of fitness in order to burn the fat. In other words, the changes you make to the way that you eat, must be changes that you can live with permanently. If you want to keep the weight off then there’s no going back to a high-fat diet.

Give it a try, exercise daily for 6 days a week alternating aerobic activity with resistance training and make healthy changes in the way that you eat. Monitor your changes in a fitness journal and record your results over a 3-month period. You’ll begin to see big differences that are much easier to accomplish than you ever thought possible. And that’s the secret formula to losing weight and keeping it off. It worked for me—I know it will work for you, too.


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